跟老師上課會增加很多自信心~沒有壓力~老師很有耐心 即使不會念,老師都會不厭其煩的一直糾正,不會覺得自己不會念而有壓力 非常推薦~
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Mia Chou
老師很友善,非常有想法 本身就是企業培訓師,但是不會讓人感到有壓力!對於商英的的部分很有一套哦!適合想要給學習商英的的同學們!
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練; 商業英文會話
I’d have a great time and significantly improvement from the classes. Materials are great and able to fulfill my needs on business English. I’m getting much confidence now. Looking forward to join classes with Gary.
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Gloria Mok
Gary is a nice and patient teacher. He provided me a platform to tell story. I noticed that the whole sentence spoke out is still my weak point.
Gary corrected my old habits on pronunciation on the 1st class. I feel good and look forward to next class with him!
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Louisa Lin
Gary is very kind teacher, he knows what I need and made the plan very quickly. I like the course that he provide and I think my english skill will improve after six months definitely. Thanks, teacher, see you soon!
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Pei Pei
I learned a lot from Gary, not only the English but also the knowledge of future trends. He always keeps enthusiasm for teaching and it’s enjoyable to take his lessons. Gary 非常有教學熱忱,上他的課是非常愉快享受的,不僅能學到英文技巧,也能獲得許多新知!
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Oscar Huang
I really enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere in Gary's teaching. Meanwhile, I also got something new in the class. And I'm getting more confident in speaking English.
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Rachel Tang
I'm always happy to join Gary's class. I could learn different events that are happening now, as well as different perspective.
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
Gary always encourages students, so I can try my best to do every task in the class. I’m so happy that my pronunciation has improved a lot. Also, my reading skill is getting better. The materials that he chooses are amazing, I can not only learn English, but also get some new knowledge in the classes. Thanks!
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練