Class type: 迷你小組長期語言訓練
Kuo, Mother of K
Class type: 迷你小組長期語言訓練
寶貝在完全無壓力的教學方式下已經在J 'S上了2年半了,很感謝J'S能讓寶貝愛上英文即使身體不適也不願請假一直都是開心快樂的進教室。非常推薦想讓家中寶貝零抗拒學好英文的家長J'S真的是第一選擇喔!
Hu, Mother of T
Class type: 迷你小組長期語言訓練
Kaei, Mother of D & R
"Thanks to J's Language, my kids got accepted by international schools this year"
Class type: 迷你小組長期語言訓練
I tried to transfer my kids from Taiwan's education system to international schools last year, but they were unable to pass the entrance examinations due to their language ability. Then, I found J's Language Workshop in Fall, 2015, and had my kids to start taking English classes here. Thanks to J's Language Workshop, My Kids' English abilities improved dramatically throughout the year, and they're both accepted by international schools in Fall, 2016!
Leonardo, Father of E & E
"爵思是一個用心教導孩子的地方, 推薦給想讓孩子好好學習外語的大家!"
Class Type: 一對一個人訓練
我給果果上的爵思的 1-1長期課程. 因為一進教室就是純外語環境. 果果一開始怕怕的聽不懂還會大哭, 但過一個月, 我很明顯的發現一進教室她的語言頻道會自動轉換成英文! 在這裡老師跟家長們都只用外語溝通, 我也覺得我的英文變好了! 目前自己也有打算報名大人的發音訓練課程. 爵思是一個用心教導孩子的地方, 推薦給想讓孩子好好學習外語的大家!